Dear customers, dear partners,
after our last post explaining our current situation in regards to delays in production, we wanted to give you a small update and answer questions we have been asked frequently regarding the delay.
Why don't you use another printing company in China or Japan?
→As stated in our last blog, we have tried different companies in the past, including overseas companies. But the problem with a printing company that far away are additional transportation costs, shipment time and other additional costs.
Provided it would be possible to manufacture the print parts in China or Japan we weren't able to maintain the current price.
Can't you just send the game cartridge/CD first and the packaging parts later?
→We are selling our products as a complete physical edition with all its components. Sending out only cartridges or only CDs is not logistically possible and against our standard way of working. The majority of our customers wouldn't allow such approach as many of them leave the games unopened.
You aren't using a real printing company, you just use excuses. Why don't you use another company to print the last parts?
→As stated in our last blog post, even though we are working with specialized printing companies, every company we have worked so far said "it's easy, leave it to us" and then took months to try to create the the desired quality, some of them never been able to deliver on their promises. We are doing everything we can to speed up the process. But unfortunately we are dependent on our partners.
Why do you need such special packaging components anyway? ABC company is able to manufacture physical versions more quickly, and so should you.
→We have established a high quality standard that is very well received among collectors. We are proud of providing such quality on a regular basis and with all our releases. We value the opinion of our customers and will not reduce our standards that may speed things up a little but change the appearance of our products to the negative.
For now, we can only provide you with a small glimpse of Chained Echoes manuals and posters that have arrived. We went to the printing company yesterday and today, but with no good news regarding the other last missing parts. The sizing is still off and the stamping needs to be redone.
But for all people who placed a preorder for Chained Echoes, we will have an important announcement soon, so please keep following this blog.
今のところ、弊社に到着したChained Echoes/チェインド・エコーズの各種取り扱い説明書ととポスターの一部のご紹介のみとなります。