Our remaining Super Backer Bundles from the original Kickstarter. These originate from canceled pledges and other reasons after the campaign concluded and are now for sale in our store instead. Very limited quantity.
- Tobu Tobu Girl Classic (only approx. 150 pcs ever made) from the original production in 2017 (info here)
- Tobu Tobu Girl JP Regular Edition with all extras (info here)
- Tobu Tobu Girl JP Limited Edition with all extras (info here)
- Kickstarter-pledge exclusive bronze coin (cat motive)

We publish our physical games with the guaranteed First Press Games Quality & Continuity for EVERY release:
- ALL CEs: Standardized Collector's Edition box sizes for every system with the look and feel of gorgeous and expensive encyclopedias
- ALL: Gold, Silver and Bronze colored Collector's Coins with the unique production number of each produced copy
- ALL: Thick and detailed game manuals (up to 80 pages) with comic/manga and developer interviews
- SWI/PS4 REs: Numbered Regular Edition Slipcases with a continuous picture and a leather-like look of an antique book collection
- SWI/PS4: Cover sheets with beautiful exterior and interior graphics, no age ratings on the cover sheets and a numbered spine
- SWI/PS4: Super Famicom-style quick instruction cards for Nintendo Switch and N64-style achievement guide foldouts for PlayStation 4 games
- SWI/PS4: Collector’s Editions additionally include: Japanese cover sheet, Japanese manual, Japanese quick instruction card and Japanese achievement guide foldout for enthusiasts of Japanese releases
- CDs: All CDs are manufactured in Japan for the highest production quality, come in rare 12 and 17 mm jewel cases and include 3D stickers and a composer interview. Some CDs include newly made songs and karaoke versions with lyrics and liner notes
- RETRO: The boxes of our retro releases are printed on original grey cardboard with no foil lamination and the flaps are perfectly fitting with no cuts
- RETRO: The cartridges, clear cases and trays of our retro releases are custom made with original-like and perfectly fitting stickers and come in a poly bag