POWA! for GB(C) is a newly-developed action-platformer in a similar vein as other genre-classics of the handheld, like Kirby's Dreamland and Trip World.
The gameplay is decidedly kept simple and makes POWA! easy to pick it up, but challenging to conquer. A good variety of level themes and obstacles, with an ever-increasing difficulty curve keep the experience thoroughly engaging and fresh!
You can download a demo of POWA!' on its Itchio-page: https://aiguanachein.itch.io/powa
POWA! has been solely developed by the Spain-based GBdev-enthusiast Aiguanachein, with support from Sergio de Prado for the music and Ivan Miguel for art designs & graphic touch-ups. The game uses the ZGB engine by Zal0.
Game features:
- a brand-new Game Boy Color game with backwards-compatibility to Classic Game Boy hardware
- clean and simple platformer-gameplay with tight controls
- five levels with multiple segments and a challenging boss fight in each
- super-cute presentation and a bopping soundtrack
- replay-value through varying difficulty modes and a timescore after each play-through
- utilizes Super Game Boy-features when played on a SNES/SFC
The Regular Edition represents the base game and features everything you could possibly want from a well-done physical retro-game release.
An in-depth game manual, beautiful packaging and a high-end cartridge leave little to be desired for gamers who prefer to own their games as physical versions. It also comes with a collectible silver coin.
The JP Regular Edition is limited to 650pcs*
- JP-style box with foil print
- DOT MATRIX SERIES cartridge, working on all Game Boy-compatible systems
- in-depth manual in Japanese
- package inlay & survey postcard
- silver-colored coin (numbered)
*125 of these will be included in the Collector's Edition of the game.
The shown product image might have small changes in the final product.
Game Boy®/GB®, Game Boy Color®/GBC®, Super Game Boy®/SGB® and SNES®/SFC® are registered trademarks of Nintendo. This release is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Nintendo.
DOT MATRIX SERIES® is a trademark of First Press Games.

We publish our physical games with the guaranteed First Press Games Quality & Continuity for EVERY release:
- ALL CEs: Standardized Collector's Edition box sizes for every system with the look and feel of gorgeous and expensive encyclopedias
- ALL: Gold, Silver and Bronze colored Collector's Coins with the unique production number of each produced copy
- ALL: Thick and detailed game manuals (up to 80 pages) with comic/manga and developer interviews
- SWI/PS4 REs: Numbered Regular Edition Slipcases with a continuous picture and a leather-like look of an antique book collection
- SWI/PS4: Cover sheets with beautiful exterior and interior graphics, no age ratings on the cover sheets and a numbered spine
- SWI/PS4: Super Famicom-style quick instruction cards for Nintendo Switch and N64-style achievement guide foldouts for PlayStation 4 games
- SWI/PS4: Collector’s Editions additionally include: Japanese cover sheet, Japanese manual, Japanese quick instruction card and Japanese achievement guide foldout for enthusiasts of Japanese releases
- CDs: All CDs are manufactured in Japan for the highest production quality, come in rare 12 and 17 mm jewel cases and include 3D stickers and a composer interview. Some CDs include newly made songs and karaoke versions with lyrics and liner notes
- RETRO: The boxes of our retro releases are printed on original grey cardboard with no foil lamination and the flaps are perfectly fitting with no cuts
- RETRO: The cartridges, clear cases and trays of our retro releases are custom made with original-like and perfectly fitting stickers and come in a poly bag