Chained Echoes Update 2024-07-29 / 2024年7月29日現在のチェインド・エコーズの進捗

Chained Echoes Update 2024-07-29 / 2024年7月29日現在のチェインド・エコーズの進捗


Dear customers,

as an apology for the unexpected long waiting time for the Chained Echoes physical release every order of the Switch, PS4 and PC versions that will be placed until the shipping starts will include a free download code for the Steam version of the game.

The distribution of free Steam codes will be discontinued once a version has been released so this is the final chance for customers who wish to obtain the PS4 version from our store and receive the free Steam code as a bonus. Customers who opt for Switch or PC versions of the game will receive a free key until the day when the Switch and PC versions start shipping.

Please note that in case of cancellations the code will be deactivated. Also note that support regarding the Steam codes will be provided exclusively by Deck13:

While you will hopefully be able to dive into the world of Eldrea and explore it, we at First Press Games are doing our best to finalize the Switch and PC versions, too.

Here is a comment for you from Matthias Linda & Deck13, the developer of the game:


Hey, everyone. Matthias here!
Thank you very much for pre-ordering the physical editions of Chained Echoes. I’m deeply sorry for the delays you are currently witnessing.
We know that some of you are not buying this simply for their collection but to be finally able to dive into the world of Eldrea. Therefore, as a small apology we have prepared Steam keys for you.
Thank you very much for your trust and support! We are working hard on getting the game out!
Matthias & Deck13 Team


Below find a picture and an explanation about the current status for the physical edition.

This is the Regular Edition for PS4. All print parts are already prepared for shipping to Sony. As stated before, the RE PS4 will be released first; shipping will start once the fully assembled games have arrived at our location.


As you can see, our first ten games fit the Collector's Sleeve. Upcoming releases #9 and #10 will be revealed soon. Customers who purchased all ten games will be rewarded with this limited Collector's Sleeve for free. In order to ensure consistency and highest quality the specs of the box are exactly as those of our Collector's Editions.

First Press Games




Chained Echoes/チェインド・エコーズのパッケージ版リリースが当初の予想をはるかに超え、大変長い間お待たせしてしまいました事へのささやかなお詫びとして、いずれのエディションをご予約注文をしていただいているすべてのお客様に、Steam版の無料ダウンロードコードをお送りします。




エルドレアの世界に飛び込み冒険していただける事を願いつつ、First Press Gamesではその他のエディションの最終調整にも全力を尽くしております。

ゲーム開発者Matthias Linda氏とDeck13からのコメントをご紹介します。


Hey, everyone. Matthias here!
Thank you very much for pre ordering the physical editions of Chained Echoes. I’m deeply sorry for the delays you are currently witnessing.
We know that some of you are not buying this simply for their collection but to be finally able to dive into the world of Eldrea. Therefore, as a small apology we have prepared Steam keys for you.
Thank you very much for your trust and support! We are working hard on getting the game out!
Matthias & Deck13 Team



すべての印刷パーツはSony Interactive Entertainmentへの出荷直前です。
Sony Interactive Entertainmentで完成品のPS4通常版が弊社に到着次第、発送を開始します。



First Press Games